

畢業於舊金山音樂院(San Francisco Conservatory of Music)。

曾就讀於新莊國中,光仁音樂班, 台灣藝術大學。大學期間起開始活躍於國內各大管樂團,如幼獅管樂團,師大

於美國舊金山音樂院(San Francisco Conservatory of Music)求學期間曾擔任舊金山青年交響樂團法國號首席
,並在該團2015年歐洲巡演中傑出演奏馬勒的第五號交響曲,巡演涵蓋各大音樂聽,包含義大利 烏迪內大劇院
Teatro Nuovo Giovanni da Udine, 德國 柏林愛樂音樂廳Berlin Philharmonie, 荷蘭 皇家音樂廳Amsterdam
Concertgebouw, 捷克共和國 史麥塔納音樂廳Prague Smetana Hall,受當地樂評稱讚其“非凡的演奏者,音樂
超齡且充滿靈性的法國號演奏家”。此外,也受邀參加Summer Brass Institute and Festival及Aspen Music
Festival。同音樂院時期,考取並任職於蘇州交響樂團,開始與國內外許多藝術家合作:Anne-Sophie Mutter, Xavier de
Maistre, 譚盾。回國後受邀與台灣各樂團演出,包含高雄市立交響樂團,國家交響樂團,國立台灣交響樂團,台北市立交響樂團擔任協演人員。

Hailed by critics as “soulful beyond his years” James Chen is a rising hornist in
his generation. While a student of Robert Ward at the San Francisco Conservatory of
Music, Chen won an audition for the position of high horn in the newly minted Suzhou
Symphony Orchestra, where he was a founding member from 2016 - 2018. Having
completed major orchestral tours in Europe and Asia with different orchestras including
several phenomenal performances of Mahler’s Fifth Symphony as the French horn
obligato soloist in the famed Berlin Philharmonie and Amsterdam Concertgebouw, Chen
has become one of the most sought after French horn players internationally,
particularly in Asia. While in Suzhou, Chen has appeared with other orchestras such as
the Shanghai Opera Symphony Orchestra, Kaohsiung Symphony Orchestra, National
Symphony Orchestra, Taiwan, Taipei Symphony Orchestra. Off-stage, Chen is an avid
French horn educator - his teaching experiences include various junior high and high
schools in Asia and the United States. Chen performs on an Alexander 103 double horn
as well as an original Carl Geyer double horn. In his spare time, Mr. Chen enjoys all
things culinary, both at fine restaurants as well as in his own kitchen